Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chp 1 Brief History and Mission Statement

At one time, Nike was a shoe company mainly designed for the production of running shoes. As time came the company was slowly drifting away and needed to make a quick impact to gain control of the shoe industry, With that said they had their eyes on a rookie by the name of Michael Jordan. Since his college days Jordan would have been seen sporting in Converse or Adidas basketball shoes. Never did he imagine signing to Nike, yet alone giving him is own line of shoes called "Air Jordan's ". In the year 1985 Jordan debuted the Air Jordan 1s, generated around this shoe their was a lot of controversy because of the black and red color way not matching the uniform. In the leagues response the NBA would fine Jordan $5,000 dollars every time we would sport the shoe. Nike loved the attention and gladly paid the fine each time, in this way promoting the shoe. Little did Nike know Jordan Brand would make history.

                            Jordan Brands Mission Statement 

                       "Become Legendary"
“The ‘Become Legendary’ campaign is not about the end result, it’s about the path you take to pursue your aspirations.


  1. Jordan Brands is one of my favorite brands and i believe they can really make good deal with the most economical and treatable shoe and accessories in town

  2. very comfortable and economical shoes of nike and Jordan brand do good work for it

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