Monday, May 7, 2012

Chapter 7 : Business Marketing

Jordan Brand has been in the business for 27 years marketing its product all around the world. Everyday there are being sneaker purchases made. Since the start of the internet the business has gone up because not only can you purchase Jordan brand in the states, but people world wide can make the purchase by logging on to or Online readers can react when they read about a new release of a sneaker, or the bringing back of a retro. Internet marketing contributes big in the Jordan community because they are able to see which new customer they can attract and which customer they can get to re-purchase. There are over hundreds of sneaker websites exposing Jordan sneakers and their release dates. Consumers are now more aware of what they are going to purchase and can see images of proto types or final products. Customers make the decisions of what they want to call the sneaker product, either business or consumer. A person can simply purchase the shoe as a collection of what they like, or as a business product using it for the purpose of basketball. Relationship marketing is growing more for Jordan brand because they have more ways to advertise for example twitter,Facebook and other social networks. They are able to maintain a balance with customers and answer their questions directly. Jordan also focuses on location of the buyer by seeing where the products have been sold the most. This way when a new hot sneaker releases they can ship out more shoes to specific places. With the increase business to business electronic commerce Jordan brand grows more, because customers are aware of where to make a purchase. This is what makes them successful in marketing.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chapter 8 Segment and targeting market

Market means different things to different people. In the book Market is described as people or organizations with needs or wants and the ability and willingness to buy. Who are the people willing to buy from the Jordan brand.The marketing segment Jordan brand focuses on is basketball players and fans. Growing up and seeing Michael Jordan play, everyone wanted to be like Mike. Leading the bulls to consecutive championships they we're the dream team in the nba. People wonder how did Michael Jordan do everything on the court, well like in his commercial with spike lee. "It's gotta be the shoes". The importance of market segmentation to Jordan brand helps them focus more in what the consumer wants. It is bringing back an original shoe for the customer or making a new shoe that it comfortable and sleek for a players performance. Jordan brand targets from the age of 13-30 people who love basketball or like the style of the shoe. The success of a company's of a company's segmentation is based on 3 reasons depending how well Jordan identifys it's customers, designs and develops a shoe, and meet the consumers wants while also meeting the customers. Jordan brand does it so well by providing a shoe based on what the consumer wants, making it to perform well and last, while making their quota. Company characteristics the company brings is making the shoe available. Jordan brand is carried in most sneaker stores world wide like footlocker, house of hoops, footaction, niketown and mom and pop shops. The brand makes it so easy for its consumer to purchase and get its wants. The target market of Jordan brand is basketball players and fans. These are the group of people who will purchase the shoe and be satisfied with what they get. The way they are attracted is by Jordan brand brings back an original shoe,something that the consumer has wanted but couldn't get because of how rare the sneaker is. Where ever you go to purchase a sneaker brand, you can find a Jordan brand shoe.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chapter 11 Developing and Managing Products

Jordan Brand has been around now for 27 years. The good thing about the brand is how every year they are constant in producing a new sneaker to its consumer. This all started with the little luck that the company Nike took on Michael Jordan by offering him a contract to his own sneaker line. In chapter 11 it talks about how their are 6 different kinds of New Product lines. The two main lines Jordan brand uses is , addition to existing product lines and new product lines. For example this year Jordan brand introduced the Air Jordan 2012. The sneaker was built to help the performance of a basketball player, the shoe itself comes with 3 different insoles and the ability to take out the strap to make the sneaker a low top or high top shoe, at the consumers use. An example of the company using additional product line is that this may 5th Jordan brand will release a new color way of the Air Jordan 11 model in a low cut form. The launch of this sneaker is bringing a lot of talk on sneaker blogs worldwide on how the consumer is reacting to the shoe. Jordan brand uses Idea Generation when they want ideas for new products. Most of the time they talk to Jordan himself or reps, and in most cases the consumer. A famous sneaker blog called sole is used by some reps of Jordan brand where they are able to interact with the consumer and see what color ways or designs of sneakers they would like to see. On these blogs the consumer can give its reaction of its shoe and the popularity of the sneaker can rise. Before the release of a sneaker the company does a concept test or a sample where they release a pair and give it to celebrity's or basketball players to try out the shoe and see the feedback it gets from the consumer. Giving the sneaker to a Jordan brand member to play in can also be test marketing because the consumer gives a reaction on how they like the sneaker determine if they will make a purchase or not. A lot of commercialization went into the air Jordan 2012 during the Allstar game. Celebrity like Kevin Hart sported in the sneaker playing good giving him the MVP award of the game.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chapter 16 Intergrated Marketing Communication

Jordan Brand a company known all around the world not only because of Michael Jordan, but because of the impact it had on the sneaker culture. Promotion of the brand makes the customer aware of all the sneakers and clothing the company provides. The promotional strategy Jordan brand uses informs the consumer. Advertising is a big role to Jordan Brand. You can find out the latest sneaker releases all over the Internet and magazines. Jordan brand uses the Internet so well by posting on their Jordan brand twitter about their latest product. Sneaker forums and websites like, get the latest info on where to purchase the sneaker and where they will release at. With the limited availability of some sneakers, the consumer will search to purchase the product. The Public Relations Jordan Brand has is the "Wings for the Future" campaign. These events help the brand educate the community and people about the message they are trying to provide. Jordan brand does different summer programs for kids where players like Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul go around talking to kids on the importance of education and also to donate money to different schools and programs. Informing promotions seeks to convert an existing need into a want. Jordan informs customers months in advance on limited sneakers making the consumer hype the sneaker until it releases. The more people talk on forums about how much they want a shoe, the more attention it gets and make the consumer make a dessision. A couple days before a sneaker launches you can find a reminder on their twitter blog on the sneaker that will release , which usually happens on a Saturday.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Chapter 10 Product Concepts

Air Jordan

Since the start of the Air-Jordan era the sneaker brand was in a league of their own. With the help of Nike, Jordan brand rose and was known by people all around the world who loved the game of basketball. The product that the company created was the shoe. Like Mars Blackmon once said " Its Gotta Be The Shoes". A product is a tangible good a person receives in an exchange and this good is the Air Jordan sneaker. This brand can be made up to two types of consumer products. The consumer product, which the sneaker is made for the publics purchase. And a specialty product because once in a while Jordan brand comes up with shoes called quick strike or lifestyle meaning they are limited and can only be purchased at certain locations, making the consumer search extensively.  

Making its debut in 1985 the Air Jordan 1 was the first official product item of the company. After this history would be made, every season in the NBA Jordan played he would have a new sneaker line (product line). And with each shoe their would be a product mix making various color ways of each sneaker.
Even though Michael Jordan has been retired for 9 years his legacy and campaigns live on. Jordan Brand is still adding a product line extension to his sneaker line . The latest sneaker to the collection the Air jordan 2012.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Chapter 18 : Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

Jordan Brand a sneaker industry that is well respected for over 20 years, and is sought after worldwide. The impact the shoes had on the sneaker culture some negative and some positive, but at the end of the day they sell. Even though Jordan brand does not offer sampling, rebates, coupons, people will camp out and pay retail price. Instead of a decrease in price of the Air Jordan Retro series , prices have increased and they continue to get sold out. The only type of online promotion the company provides is through where if you pay more then 175 on sneakers or clothing you get free shipping. 

As long as Jordan Brand keeps releasing their Air Jordan series they will make tons of sales. People wait every year for a certain sneaker to drop causing them to keep coming back and purchasing from the brand. If the customer gets what they want, they will be satisfied and continue their relationship with the Brand.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Chapter 17 : Advertising and Public Relations

                   "In Advertising, Nike was in their own league" 

       Back in the early 90's Nike was giving the whole sneaker a lesson on marketing and advertising. Not only did they have a young player by the name of Michael Jordan making a name for himself. But they also had his own sneaker brand Air Jordan becoming legendary as well. Still a classic commercial to this day is the one with MJ and Spike lee on " Its gotta be the shoes". Air Jordan's have been worn in t.v shows like : Fresh Prince of  bel air, Wayne bros, Seinfeld, and movies like He got game with Ray Allen and Denzel Washington. As of lately Jordan brand has not done a lot of promotion and advertising on the t.v networks, but on the internet it's going crazy. Many sneaker blogs like,, all advertise the latest sneakers to release with updates on price and dates. In the sneaker community information on rare sneakers that have not been seen in years spread like wildfire and the hype for the sneakers brings collectors to drastic measures like camping out or paying extra money just to have the shoe. Now a adays you can fine Jordan brand advertising on web pages like twitter were thousands of people use everyday to send out information and keep people up to date. With the aggressive techniques Jordan brand is using on giving the costumer what they want with the latest shoes it works. Every month  Jordan brand uses product advertisement to focus on their latest shoe that releases to the public. Even though Jordan has not been playing basketball for a while, his sneakers are still making a statement.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chapter 15 : Retailing

                   "Successful retailing is based on knowing the customer"

Jordan brand sneakers can be found in thousands of retailers world wide. But one of its specialty stores is Niketown NYC which is located on the famous 5 ave, where tourist world wide come to shop and visit. Niketown has a 3rd floor section where all of Jordan brands latest basketball sneakers and appeal are located. A good example of Specialty store is Footlocker where Jordan brand shoes can be purchased as well. Footlocker is a chain of stores mainly for selling the latest sneakers of Jordan/Nike/Adidas etc. Employees are trained to know the merchandise and be able to sell to to costumers giving them information on the shoe when requested. Another way Jordan brand sells is electronic retailing. Websites like,, all have Jordan sections online. This give the consumer a chance to view other customer reviews and is able to search which product is more suitable for them. This concept is more convenient for a customer on a busy schedule or does not have time to go out, can be able to make the purchase through the web.

Upon entering NikeTown NYC and going up the escalator to the Jordan section I see the retailing mix P's in effect. (product,place,promotion,price,personnel,and presentation) 

The Jordan brand section has employees on the floors ready to assist you in your purchase. The prices are on the bottom on the sneakers of the tags of the clothing. The products are on the walls next to the apparel. There are also statues and posters promoting the whole Jordan concept around the 3rd floor. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chapter 6 : Consumer Decision Making

A consumer making a purchase on a Air Jordan sneaker is either a sneaker head, a fan of Michael Jordan, or just purchased it because they like the shoe.Their are different decisions taken by a consumer for purchasing a Jordan brand sneaker such as, their "Reference group". People can be influenced into buying the product because they want to fit in and that's whats in style. The external stimuli of Jordan brand is strong because of the fan base it has. Consumers look at the sneaker and can purchase it on how it looks or feels on them. Growing up MJ was an idol to allot of people who followed basketball. The type of person that is persuaded into purchasing the shoe is someone who is an up and coming basketball player and buys it because they believe it will increase their game skills, even though it wont. A factor that comes in to play when purchasing a Air Jordan sneaker is a persons social class. People with money are able to buy this expensive shoe retailing from 125-180 $ with ease, but someone less fortunate might want the sneaker but because of their economic status wont be able to purchase it.
In the end the consumer is left with a decision from purchasing other sneakers like Adidas or converse, but Jordan brand is "one of one". The way the sneaker looks and the complements a person gets from wearing a Jordan brand shoe is always a good feeling.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chapter 5 : Developing a Global Vision

Air Jordan Brand, a company that has made an impact to the game of basketball is known world wide. During the summer Jordan brand has launched the Quai 54 campaign to promote basketball in Paris. The tournament consisted of a slam dunk contest,3-point shoot out, and the street ball champion ship.

"Paris has welcomed us with open arms yet again as we made our way out here for Quai 54, the International Street ball Championships. We started our trip by bringing Team Jordan athlete Ray Allen to the House of Hoops in Paris where he answered questions from and signed autographs for a small group of fans. News spread quickly about Ray being in town, and by the time we left a mob had congregated outside of the store to get a glimpse of him"

From Team Jordan brand

While Jordan Brand was in Paris promoting their tournament a oportunity arised to promote a shoe called the Air Jordan 5 Quai 54 edition. Jordan Brand has taken advantage of this event to make a profit of a limted shoe only to be realeased in Paris and a couple international countries. This shoe is to never be realeased in the United States.

With the price ranging at 160 US dollers, this shoe would be an easy oportunity for resellers to make a profit or to have a limited sneaker added to their collection.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Chapter 4 : The Marketing Environment

Since the debut in the NBA of Michael Jordan with the Chicago Bulls in 1985, Jordan Brand has just taken off since the start. Everyone wanted to be like Mike being Five time MVP in the leauge, Defensive player of the year , Slam dunk champion people could say Jordan has done it all. The way MJ played and the sneakers he brought to the court set the stage for him to target his audience. Adults and teens who wanted to be like their favorite player would go out of their ways to purchase the shoes MJ sported in games. As time grew and Jordan kept fasicinating the crowds his sneakers would be purchased by a diverse fan base, it could be from Hispanics ,Whites , African Americans , everyone was purchasing them. Here in NYC one of the meccas for fashion the Jordan Brand has made an impact re-releasing shoes that came out from 1985 and above. One store thats famous for this is Niketown NY located on 57 st and 5 ave the hearts of high end fashion where tourist all over the world pass by and vist. The brand is able to use applied research to help make new products or improve old products. For example on Feburary 18 2012 Jordan brand re-realeased the cement 4s which was realeased back in 1999. With the technology today the brand was able to determine what the consumer wanted and bring back something they have not seen .

Jordan brand targets different races worldwide by spreading their sneakers to most shoe distributers. Stores like Footlocker,Footaction,DR.Jays, little mom and pop stores, the list goes on . Jordan brand sneakers and clothing can be found. Teens , adults , if anyone knows Michael Jordan they know the shoe and the reputation it has on the sneaker industry.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chap 3 Ethics and Social Responsability

Social Responsability
"Right at the start of 2011, we kicked off our WINGS for the Future program and continued our tradition of making a difference in the lives of youth in our communities. Through a hands-on approach, we’ve developed programs to motivate and inspire youth with the pillars of education, sport and creativity at the forefront.
This year alone, we’ve refurbished basketball courts, classrooms and computer labs. We’ve made special visits to hospitals and conducted a basketball clinic for elementary students. Team Jordan athletes have also stopped by our WINGS events to provide words of wisdom and encouragement".

 Jordan Brand is using their social responsability in order to help out communites all over the world. This is a chance where the athlete meets the consumer/fan who supports the brand and what it stands for. The Wings for the future program also gives the chance to many young talented teenagers to get helped by nike/jordan brand desginers in helping create a shoe. It is the programs like this that make the Jordan Team look good in the eyes of the millions of kids and adults that have a passion for the brand.

Code of Ethics

Jordan Brands code of ethics, is to push themselves higher and higher on performance and to achieve their best in what they do.

"We’re focusing our corporate responsibility efforts in the areas in which we can have the greatest impact and create the most value: Through the materials we design into our products, through the process of making those materials and products, and in the world of sport where our products are used".


Monday, February 6, 2012

Chap 2 Strategic Planning

The Jordan Brand Mission statement is part of the strategic planning Jordan brand is doing. With the promotion of "Become Legendary" campaign, it shows Jordan brand using all-star NBA players to promote the sneakers and attire. 
Jordan brand targets people from all ages, primarily the people who take interest in basketball. With all the players signed to the brand they promote the sneaker and clothes by giving each player their own signature shoe and color way. The promotion of the brand is already has its foundation laid down by Michael Jordan, But with the new players it brings in, it lives on. Each player chosen to represent this brand, is a player with great potential, leadership, and a major fan base. The more popular a player is, the more apparel will be sold. Using this to its advantage the company has a lot of profit coming in.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chp 1 Brief History and Mission Statement

At one time, Nike was a shoe company mainly designed for the production of running shoes. As time came the company was slowly drifting away and needed to make a quick impact to gain control of the shoe industry, With that said they had their eyes on a rookie by the name of Michael Jordan. Since his college days Jordan would have been seen sporting in Converse or Adidas basketball shoes. Never did he imagine signing to Nike, yet alone giving him is own line of shoes called "Air Jordan's ". In the year 1985 Jordan debuted the Air Jordan 1s, generated around this shoe their was a lot of controversy because of the black and red color way not matching the uniform. In the leagues response the NBA would fine Jordan $5,000 dollars every time we would sport the shoe. Nike loved the attention and gladly paid the fine each time, in this way promoting the shoe. Little did Nike know Jordan Brand would make history.

                            Jordan Brands Mission Statement 

                       "Become Legendary"
“The ‘Become Legendary’ campaign is not about the end result, it’s about the path you take to pursue your aspirations.